What Can I Say?
It ain’t easy being a consumer these days. With just a few exceptions, no matter what media a consumer uses, it comes with a wide range of marketing messages. Now, don’t misunderstand, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Providing marketing messages has paid the bills for a lot of people and is a pretty good business. The beauty of Content Marketing is that it can get a message through to a consumer without them even being aware. It is the “stealth” technology of marketing.
Marshall Marketing continuously works to provide data that is effective in selling all the products on the plates of Marketing Consultants. This year, a Content Marketing series of questions has uncovered some terrific data that will position Content Marketing as a “must have” for local advertisers.
In a recent Forbes blog post, Gary Henderson Founder & CEO DigitalMarketing.org wrote,
“In 2018, content marketing is about creating interesting content people actually want to engage with. Stop talking about your brand, and start creating content people want to read, watch or listen to.”
Good advice, Gary!
In this market, the station wanted to know which topics are interesting to consumers.
When online, which of the following article topics do you click on for leisure reading or for more information?

Travel, Food/Wine, Home Improvement, and Home Decorating
are in the top five responses.
What is great about this question is a Marketing Consultant can profile all of these topics and target advertisers within each category!
For instance, 14% of consumers will read an article about Health Care. What types of health care providers or clinics can benefit from this data? A simple cross-tab by Health Concerns show this consumer indexes high with 4 issues……..
Which of the following health issues are you concerned with…?

But, will a consumer actually contact an advertiser that uses Content Marketing?
To make sure, the station added this follow up question…….
If an article you read online is sponsored by a business that sells a product or service you are interested in, how likely are you to shop at that business?

78% of consumers that read Health Care content are Very or Somewhat Likely to contact a business. Content Marketing can become a key component for a local advertiser.
What can I say? It ain’t easy being a Marketing Consultant either.
Marshall Marketing data can connect the dots for a Marketing Consultant to convince an advertiser to use Content Marketing.